Tuesday, February 16, 2010

At the movies...

I am done with the movie theater for a while. The last FIVE movies I have gone to recently I had to tell people to shut the hell up. What is this need to narrate whats on the screen in full high def color and ear bending sound? No, not the whispered question here or there... but full conversations at good volume. I swear to the powers that be I had to tell myself several times not to turn around and punch the chattering kid behind me in the nose. I managed to resist, but only just. Selecting instead to turn around, lean into them and say "Do you mind shutting the hell up? Thanks." I might have forgotten to use the word hell... I try to be diplomatic, sometimes I fail.


Anonymous said...

Ya me too!

Don Madden said...

I have one word for you: Netflix

Michael said...

LOL, Don: I agree.